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Employees Performance Vs Habits 


It might seem natural to have a sense of insecurity in the workplace. There could be millions of reasons (A bit exaggerated but certainly many) as to why one could feel in such a way. But surely, we all have experienced it one way or the other.

I have been a victim of such useless thinking during one of the roles I took. I have always needed to perform more, extremely competitive, and above all, it made me restless. The constant worry of “What If?” never allowed my mind to rest.

The Problem with this is:

The worst part is, by the end of it all… never worked with that employer, and I end up resigning!

Now, looking back I think I have fought the inescapable – reality. One way or the other, just like any relationship, our work life will have its ups and downs, so why bother so much about the end and miss the journey altogether?

What can be done instead?

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